In the highly-anticipated sequel to “Madagascar,” Alex, Marty, Melman, Gloria, King Julien, Maurice and the penguins and the chimps find themselves marooned on the distant shores of Madagascar. In the face of this obstacle, the New Yorkers have hatched a plan so crazy it just might work. With military precision, the penguins have repaired an old crashed plane—sort of. Once aloft, this unlikely crew stays airborne just long enough to make it to the wildest place of all—the vast plains of Africa, where the members of our zoo-raised crew encounter species of their own kind for the very first time. Africa seems like a great place…but is it better than their Central Park home?
after zoo~~v feel want to utilise the day 'gao gao'
so plan to go watch many ppl say this movie very funny
ya..i agree it is very funny than 1st episod
but the story so so only..... :p
v meet our dear friend, izreen there with her bf
huhuhu..say us kacau her...
reali muka tembok sial~
p/s: we use student card to buy ticket, cost only RM6 per ticket
really feel like my mmu student very useful
and the day without working really syok enough!!!
the counter gal ask me 103111**** not suppose graduate already meh...
then i tell her still study
"yes,of course!"
'don't need renew?'
"our u don't have such rules leh" last she accept..
4cards change with 5tickets
by the ways, acca student card she also accept
gsc should put such ppl at their counter e'time
without asking so much question
just accept is the best decision
thanks so much
so plan to go watch many ppl say this movie very funny
ya..i agree it is very funny than 1st episod
but the story so so only..... :p
v meet our dear friend, izreen there with her bf
huhuhu..say us kacau her...
reali muka tembok sial~
p/s: we use student card to buy ticket, cost only RM6 per ticket
really feel like my mmu student very useful
and the day without working really syok enough!!!
the counter gal ask me 103111**** not suppose graduate already meh...
then i tell her still study
"yes,of course!"
'don't need renew?'
"our u don't have such rules leh" last she accept..
4cards change with 5tickets
by the ways, acca student card she also accept
gsc should put such ppl at their counter e'time
without asking so much question
just accept is the best decision
thanks so much
i guy but use girl photo card also can get student price...
u stil study in MMU meh...
bu yao nian!!!
kena ppl "te bao" d stil dun wan admit...
reali ==" the person too 'good' mah...
and c me so 'guai' ma gv us such discount lo...
ah vian jie..u wan???next time bring me go... :p
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