Sunday, July 5, 2009


early morning wake up by yy's call
hehe...actually already 1030 lo
1st time sleep till so late

say cheong k change to 1130am
so wake up n wash up
n join the cheong k session at DREAMBOX
with yy, shennie, ah mak, ah san and liping
and of course with the set lunch

n knowing that my lovely cousin is pregnant
congrats to her
become mother d
~~~so happy~~~

1st time listen MJ's song when sing k
he not here only we go n discover his song

n receive a surprise present from him
my prince new album
***张栋樑 - 沉默的瞬間***

ask me play the cd
found out that is his song

thanks alot ya~~



Li ping pregnant d???

xuewei said...

xiao tong pregnant dy ar? yuhoo..happy to hear tat... congratulation to her too...