Friday, March 20, 2009

aH viaN jiE

notti ah vian jie
now can show off d..
go wher also alone
still can always sesat ther...
kong bu gal in LONDON

becarefull and take k always ya ;)


*late late late post*
my 1st birthday cake from
shennie, yy, mak, toktok, liping, peiru and shu li

@D Arts

2nd cake from my lovely family

with grandpa n grandma n my lovely family too
@ new world restaurant

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

DraGon BaLL EvoluTioN 2009

Based on the popular Japanese manga created by Akira Toriyama, whose work spawned best selling graphic novels, video games and a phenomenally successful television series, DRAGONBALL centers on the heroic Goku, a powerful warrior who protects the Earth from an endless stream of rogues bent on dominating the Universe and controlling the mystical objects from which the film takes its name.

***can somebody give me the dragon ball ar?

i wan to make a wish***

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

GasoLine StoVe

anybody know this place??
since like very nice ;p

MiSs 2 seNiors aGain

from left to right
ker tian, chuan ai , doris
these 2 girls leave us last friday
and start another new journey in their life~~
feeling they are so fresh and relax
kev, me, jey

doris, subin, kev
nic,sctan, jey ,hak loon , lim , teresa (our partner)
our melaka family photo

can we have fun every time?
can we work smart every moment?

the first senior i follow
almost all the case with her too
do things very consistently
very calm
and of course very geng
wont tension that much

always have a positive thinking
make life easily

thanks you so much
wish u have a bright future wherever u go ya~~


Sunday, March 15, 2009

thanks 2 ah ViaN Jie

my special birthday present from ah vian jie~~
thanks alot
waiting u to come bek ya~~

"I Am Me and I'm Okay"

I am me and I am okay,
I'm not like her,him,or you,
But I am still beautiful in every way,
I have the love of myself,
Which is more then enough,
Always proud to be different,
That diamond in the ruff,
Look in my soul and see the sunrise,
I am the tournament,
But I am also the prize,
Look in my eyes and see the sunset,
I don't wish to be like anyone
you've ever met,
I am me,
Which means a million words,
My style of walk is like the endless ocean,
You always come back for my curves,
I am truly me,
And I am so gifted for being this way,
Because I am me, and I AM OKAY.

Satia Gaynell Stanley

***a nice poem,here to share***

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

HaPPy BiRtHdaY

haPPy birThday to ah nyok jie
wish u 快快乐乐 ya